Crank it up. Few could have seriously predicted the impact the original Game Boy would have when it was released way back in 1989. Sure, Nintendo’s commercial pedigree was pretty clear – it had conquered Japan and North America with its Famicom / NES console and made a success of its Game & Watch handheld […]
Stay away for spoilers. SPOILERS, obviously… Metroid Dread has been talked about a lot over the past week, largely in positive terms. Plenty of us are still on a first playthrough, frantically running away from E.M.M.I foes and navigating our way around the rather sizeable map. For some, though, now it’s time for optimising follow-up […]
Das RKI hat binnen 24 Stunden 22 neue Todesfälle im Zusammenhang mit Covid-19 registriert. Und: Laut Drosten ist für den Großteil der Geimpften im Herbst keine Auffrischungsimpfung nötig. Der Überblick.