Germany World

Corona-Pandemie: Neue Kriterien und Impfstatus-Auskunft in Kraft getreten

Berlin (dpa) – Für den Kampf gegen die Corona-Pandemie im Herbst und Winter sind am Mittwoch mehrere Neuregelungen in Kraft getreten. Dabei geht es unter anderem um Bewertungskriterien der Pandemielage und Auskünfte zum Impfstatus von Beschäftigten. Sie waren am Dienstag im Bundesgesetzblatt verkünd

Germany World

Noch mehr Tempo: Neuer Bentley Continental GT Speed schafft 335 km/h

Hallbergmoos (dpa/tmn) – Bentley bietet den Continental GT ab sofort wieder als Speed-Variante an. Das Coupé ist ab 267 869 Euro und das Cabrio ab 294 644 Euro zu haben, so der Hersteller. Der luxuriöse Zweitürer hat einen nochmals stärkeren W12-Motor, ein angepasstes Fahrwerk und ein eigenes Design


Britney Spears Explains Why She Deleted Her Instagram!!

And she’s gone! Britney Spears signed off Instagram pretty abruptly on Tuesday, but a Page Six source says fans should not be worried. It was actually the pop star’s decision! According to the insider, the newly engaged woman is sending a “powerful” message amid her conservatorship battle — in which she’s seen some major wins […]


Globally, climate change drives a willingness to change lifestyles

Enlarge / Climate change is increasing the incidence of extreme rainfall, ensuring that more people are going to directly notice its effects. (credit: SYLVAIN THOMAS / Getty Images) This year has seen a huge number of climate-related disasters, from hurricanes to drought and from fires to floods. In the middle of the chaos, the IPCC […]


Xbox Returns to Tokyo Game Show 2021

Tokyo Game Show remains one of the world’s biggest celebrations of video games and culture, bringing together fans from around the world to enjoy the latest and greatest in gaming. This year marks the 25th anniversary of Asia’s biggest gaming event, with the show again taking a virtual format. The 2021 theme of Tokyo Game […]


You can finally upgrade PS5’s SSD storage as of tomorrow

Enlarge / A major new update to the PS5 firmware lets players upgrade the console’s internal storage via an M.2 SSD. Players will be able to add specific M.2 SSDs to the PS5 with a new system update rolling out tomorrow, two months after a beta that featured the option was made available to users […]


Xiaomi shows off smart glasses with an all-green, microLED, waveguide display

Xiaomi’s Smart Glasses. That’s a camera on the right of the picture and the display system on the left. That blue area in the lens is the waveguide display. [credit: Xiaomi ] Xiaomi—the world’s biggest smartphone manufacturer—would like to briefly divert your tech attention away from the iPhone 13 launch to a new pair of […]

Entertainment World

Live-Action ‘Marvel Zombies’ Project Reportedly In Development

According to comic writer Mark Millar, some kind of live-action version of Marvel Zombies is in development. Last week, Marvel’s new animated Disney Plus series, What If…? released an episode that revolved around the various heroes of the Marvel Cinematic Universe being turned into zombies. The story was based on a fan-favorite comic by The […]

Entertainment World

Former Spider-Man Actor Andrew Garfield Calls Tom Holland The Perfect Peter Parker

Former Spider-Man star Andrew Garfield calls Marvel Tom Holland the perfect Peter Parker. Back in 2012, Andrew Garfield was the first actor to take over the role of Spider-Man following the departure of Tobey Maguire and series director Sam Raimi. The movie that resulted was The Amazing Spider-Man which received mixed to positive reviews and […]