Marvel Studios Executive Vice President of Production Victoria Alonso reflected on Black Widow’s problematic portrayal in Iron Man 2. Academy Award-nominee Scarlett Johansson made her debut is Natasha Romanoff AKA Black Widow in 2010’s Iron Man 2. While the performance and character itself received praise from critics and fans alike, her portrayal in Iron Man 2 has been criticized […]
It’s hard to remember a time when straight-leg jeans didn’t live in our wardrobes, but, alas, it did exist. Before their popularity spike, skinny and boyfriend jeans were the dominating styles, with few options in between. Bridging the gap, straight-leg jeans boast the streamlined silhouette skinny-jean devotees love while featuring a relaxed cut reminiscent of […]
Mit den Lockerungen der Coronaregeln hat sich auch die Auftragslage von Soloselbstständigen und Freiberuflern verbessert. An vielen jedoch geht der Aufschwung vorbei – ihr Verband erwartet einen Jobkahlschlag.