Zapping Onze Mondial Bayern : un ultra favori à la victoire finale ? C’est une nouvelle qui était très attendue au vu de l’explosion de Pedri depuis quelques mois. Le milieu de terrain du Barça, qui arrive en fin de contrat à l’été 2022, a enfin trouvé un accord pour une prolongation de contrat annoncée par le […]
Suicide Squad star Margot Robbie says she’s curious to see David Ayer’s original cut of the super-villain team-up movie. After fans campaigned for Warner Bros. to release Zack Snyder’s original cut of Justice League, they quickly turned their eyes to David Ayer’s Suicide Squad. The film was infamously changed and recut after the negative reception […]
“Is it really that bad?”. The Switch is home to a number of fascinating ports, including some considered ‘impossible’ that nevertheless hold up well on the system – high quality examples include DOOM (2016) and The Witcher 3. There are some games where it’s tough to decide whether the port is worth the sacrifices, with […]