The answer in short, yes. So the obvious follow up question, Can I afford the best gaming table ever? Well until February 19th the Kickstarter campaign gives you 35% off the MSRP of this amazing table and multiples bonus offers have already been unlocked. If the Kickstarter reaches its goal of A MILLION in pledges […]
Jaunde (dpa) – Die Fußball-Nationalmannschaft des Senegal mit Liverpool-Star Sadio Mané steht wieder im Finale des Afrika Cups. Die Löwen von Teranga siegten gegen Burkina Faso 3:1 (0:0) und nehmen damit den nächsten Anlauf auf ihren ersten Titelgewinn bei der Kontinentalmeisterschaft. Abdou Diallo
“Galastropods” can be raised as pets. The lovely space-based sandbox adventure game Astroneer is out today on Nintendo Switch, alongside a new update that — for the first time in the game’s six-year history — adds living creatures to the world. (You can read our Astroneer review here, by the way. We really liked it, […]