6 golden coins? 8 red coins?
Following on from the recent record-breaking sales for retro games, including $2 million USD for a copy of Super Mario Bros. and $870K USD for The Legend of Zelda on NES — not to mention the unfolding drama surrounding the alleged fraud and speculative investors driving prices up — the ‘value’ of retro games has become a hotter topic than ever.
Our lovely Youtube team recently discussed the rising prices of retro games, and as enthusiasts it’s a subject that’s close to our hearts — and, unfortunately, our wallets. We’ve all got Watch lists filled with retro gaming treats we can’t quite justify pulling trigger on. Just recently Jon’s excellent video on The Frog For Whom The Bell Tolls prompted this writer (and several other NL staff members) to finally pony up for a copy via ebay. Prices are only going to go up, right?
Read the full article on nintendolife.com