In Erfurt haben am Freitagnachmittag rund 60 Menschen gegen Antisemitismus demonstriert – darunter auch Innenminister Georg Maier (SPD). Die Kundgebung mit mehreren Redebeiträgen sei ohne besondere Vorkommnisse verlaufen, teilte die Polizei auf Nachfrage mit. Auf einem Transparent war beispielsweise
Here’s how it was done… The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild has plenty of hidden secrets to discover that’ll keep most players going for well over 100 hours, but when you throw the “impossible” treasure chests into the mix, well… That’s another story entirely. For anyone unaware, players have discovered that Breath of […]
Remember when you couldn’t get Ring Fit for love nor money? Nintendo’s official UK store has had several bundle deals on offer over the past few weeks, and the latest one should help you fight back against all those rich meals and indulgences of the festive season. Ring Fit Adventure mixes the fitness focus of […]