For some reason, denim shorts have, to my mind, always been synonymous with a certain youthful brand of dressing. I imagine face-painted, festival-going teens in barely there cut-offs and crop tops or high-waisted styles thrown over itsy-bitsy teeny-weeny bikinis. They were not, however, something I associated with polished dressing. Until now. While one of the key selling points of denim has always been its hard-wearing credentials and […]
The new trailer for DC FanDome features new footage from The Batman and our first look at Black Adam. DC FanDome’s second outing is next week and fans are eagerly awaiting to see what the virtual convention has in store for them. Last year, fans were treated to the first trailer of Robert Pattinson’s The […]
Der FSV Mainz 05 hat seinen Kapitän Moussa Niakhaté rechtzeitig vor dem Bundesliga-Spiel gegen den VfL Bochum frei testen lassen können. Der 25 Jahre alte Abwehrspieler steht am Samstag in der Startelf der Rheinhessen. “Alle behördlichen Maßnahmen haben wir erfüllt, auch die klinischen Tests haben w