
Disney Hits Back HARD At Scarlett Johansson, Calls Lawsuit ‘Sad’ & ‘Callous’!

Whoa! If anyone was expecting Scarlett Johansson and Disney to stay civil throughout this legal battle to maintain their profitable working relationship… well, you can forget it! We learned earlier Thursday that ScarJo was suing the Mouse House over their streaming release of Black Widow. Basically she’s saying her contract called for an exclusive theatrical release — of […]

France Tech

Second lab worker with deadly prion disease prompts research pause in France

Enlarge / A pathologist examines brain tissue of a diseased deer. The white circular shapes are the sponge-like holes found with prion-related diseases called transmissable spongiform encephalopathies (TSEs). (credit: Getty | Star Tribune) Five public research institutions in France announced a three-month moratorium on prion research this week, following a newly identified case of prion […]

Entertainment World

‘Black Widow’ Star Scarlett Johansson Sues Disney Over Streaming Release

Scarlett Johansson is suing Disney over the release of Black Widow on the company’s streaming service while it was also in theatres. The road to Scarlett Johansson’s Black Widow has been a long one and the story isn’t quite over yet. Many people felt that the character and actress should have been the focus of […]

Entertainment World

New ‘The Flash’ Set Video Gives Us Our First Look At Ezra Miller’s Costume

A new video from the set of The Flash has given us our first look at Ezra Miller’s costume for the upcoming film. The road to Ezra Miller’s solo film, The Flash has been a long one, full of director replacements and new scripts before Andy Mushietti came onboard to helm the project. The film […]