It seems like Max Ehrich wants to get a few words in edge-wise! The Under the Dome actor opened up via Instagram on Wednesday with an apparent comment about some recent remarks made by his ex-fiancé Demi Lovato about their sex life just days ago! Related: Demi Lovato Gets Massive Spider Tattoo On The Side Of Their Head Following Rehab […]
Comedian and actress Whitney Cummings, sponsor of this new”Bunga Bunga” podcast, applauds the girls who have been spoken out from sexual misconduct.
Happy Hogan actor Jon Favreau and Marvel Studios President Kevin Feige revealed the character almost didn’t appear in the Spider-Man films. There are few universally loved characters as Happy Hogan in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. First debuted in 2008’s Iron Man as Tony Stark’s bodyguard, the character quickly got promoted to a bumbling supporting character […]