As a fashion editor, it’s a part of the job description to be able to spot emerging trends. We spend much of our time looking to runway shows, designer collections, celebrity events and of course, social media to be able to recognise of-the-moment styles and outfit formulas. However, with lockdowns imposed across the country, understanding the […]
Er gehörte zu den größten Boxern seiner Zeit: Manny Pacquiao. Doch nun beendet der Philippine seine herausragende Karriere – und will sich anderen Dingen widmen. Er will Präsident seines Landes werden. Mit 42 Jahren ist Schluss: Manny Pacquiao beendet seine Boxkarriere. Das gab der Philippine am Mi
Jeff Boski has been crushing online poker tournaments for the better part of a decade. He’s also found success in live play, earning nearly a million dollars to date. On top of all that, he also has a sizeable following on social media. In particular he is a talented Poker Vlogger, with 48.6k YouTube subscribers. […]