And they launch next month. Nintendo fans in Japan will soon be able to pick up new physical versions of both The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild and Splatoon 2 that include their respective DLC, it’s been announced. Nintendo shared the news yesterday during all the Direct commotion (the Japanese broadcasts of Directs […]
Mit mehr als 160.000 Corona-Schutzimpfungen in einer Woche ist in Brandenburg ein Rekord aufgestellt worden. Seit Beginn der Kampagne haben mehr als eine Million Brandenburger mindestens eine Impfung erhalten, wie der Impflogistik-Stab beim Innenministerium am Montag mitteilte. Rund 536.000 Menschen
Are you a beginner poker player? Have you studied up on basic strategy and standard poker tips? Great! But what about all of the subtle things you’re NOT supposed to do at the poker table? There are many unspoken rules in Texas Hold’Em and it can take hours and hours of live play to learn […]