Appelé à témoigner à la barre en qualité de témoin au procès des attentats du 13-novembre 2015, François Hollande a relaté la nuit “d’horreur” qu’il a vécue, justifiant les décisions prises le soir du drame. Sans forcément convaincre.
But it depends on “the reception of Two Realms”. As you might recall, 505 Games and Digital Continue are bringing Drawn To Life: Two Realms to the Nintendo Switch on 7th December. It’s described as “a revitalisation of the beloved franchise and modern continuation of the series” and will be a digital-only release. If the […]
A little to the right. Some people are content to let chaos rule their lives, and that’s fine. But for people like us — people who want their pens to be in rainbow order, and their pencils organised by length — the world can be frustrating. So many things at imperfect angles! Too many illogically-designed […]