Deathstroke actor Joe Manganiello hopes to see the original Justice League post-credits scene in the Zack Snyder Cut. The post-credits scene of Justice League featured the DC Extended Universe debut of Joe Manganiello’s Deathstroke, with the villain meeting up with Jesse Eisenberg’s Lex Luthor to discuss the formation of a supervillain team. However, Manganiello recently […]
Mehr als 30.000 Russinnen und Russen verließen in den ersten Kriegstagen ihre Heimat – auch aus Protest gegen Putins Politik. Besonders viele flohen in die georgische Hauptstadt Tiflis. Sie werden nicht mit offenen Armen empfangen.
Download it today. The enhanced version of Quake is easily one of the retro highlights of 2021, and it just keeps getting better – with Bethesda and its developers rolling out the second major update for all platforms, including the Nintendo Switch. The highlights of ‘Update 2’ are Horde Mode – made by the team […]