“In the beginning was the white page. In the beginning was the Sufi in orbit… In the beginning was color. In the beginning was music.” “When you realize you are mortal,” the polymathic poet, painter, journalist, novelist, and philosopher Etel Adnan (b. February 24, 1925) wrote in her sixtieth year while wresting wisdom from the […]
Keine Entspannung in Sicht: In der Türkei und in Griechenland toben weiter heftige Waldbrände. Trotz internationaler Hilfe bedrohen immer neue Feuer die Menschen im Süden Europas.
La Bourse de New York Ă©voluait indĂ©cise en ordre dispersĂ© vendredi Ă la suite de l’annonce de crĂ©ations d’emplois dĂ©cevantes en dĂ©cembre aux Etats-Unis. A 14H00 GMT, le Dow Jones, qui avait ouvert plus sĂ©vèrement dans le rouge, ne perdait plus que 0,05%. Le Nasdaq rebondissait Ă +0,58%. Le S&P 500 avançait de 0,18%. Jeudi, […]