Die Welt bewegt sich nach Ansicht von COP26-Gastgeber Boris Johnson in die richtige Richtung. Er und der Präsident der Klimakonferenz Alok Sharma wissen jedoch auch um die Schwachstellen der Einigung.
Marvel producer Trinh Tran discussed when Hawkeye and Spider-Man: No Way Home take place on the MCU timeline. The Marvel Cinematic Universe has two more projects to drop before they round out the year: Disney Plus’ Hawkeye and the theatrically release Spider–Man: No Way Home. The series will wrap up on December 22, just a […]
Another five minutes of footage. The Pokémon Company has released yet another trailer for New Pokémon Snap, this time showing off the game’s gorgeous environments with more focus than ever before. The five-minute clip dives deep into the Lental Region’s oceans, pans across its forests and grasslands, and paints a pretty good picture of the […]