The Spider-Man: No Way Home writers discussed Tom Hardy’s Venom leaving some symbiote in the MCU. In the mid-credits scene for Spider-Man: No Way Home, we see Eddie Brock AKA Venom (Tom Hardy) in a bar asking a bartender about some of the recent history in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). At the end of […]
Die CDU-Landtagsfraktion befürwortet in der Corona-Pandemie höhere Inzidenz-Schwellenwerte als die bisher geplanten, bei denen strengere Hotspot-Regeln greifen sollen. Es zeige sich, dass durch die Omikron-Variante des Coronavirus auch höhere Inzidenzwerte noch gut in den Griff zu bekommen seien, sa
Thor: Love and Thunder star Chris Hemsworth showed off his Asgardian look in a new video on Instagram. As work continues to get underway on Thor: Love and Thunder in Australia, Chris Hemsworth recently showed off his Asgardian look in an adorable new video. The star was previously spotted in set photos taken from a […]