Every week, it seems, something happens to remind us just how dangerous it is to play pro football. On Sunday night, it was the Seahawks’ Darren Taylor being back-boarded and carted off the field. This week, it was Patrick Mahomes, the face of the NFL, being helped off the field by his teammates. Read more…
Stefanie Dolson, Allisha Gray, Kelsey Plum, and Jackie Young are Olympic gold medalists now. They should also be the catalysts for a permanent change in both WNBA and NBA basketball. Read more…
It is late on Wednesday night before Thanksgiving since I write this (however you likely won’t see this before Thursday morning, such as a regular person). Perhaps your turkey is brining, perhaps it’s resting in your refrigerator, perhaps it’s about the smoker, perhaps you are not performing a turkey in any way. Whatever Thanksgiving seems […]