On the final day of the 2021 World Series of Poker Event #30: $1,500 Monster Stack, Michael Noori was crowned the champion as he defeated Ryan Leng heads-up for $610,437. The two opening flights attracted 3,520 entries to create a prize pool of $4,699,200 with the lion-share of all that money awarded to the remaining […]
Le tir d’un missile nord-coréen, mardi, est le dernier exemple en date de la course aux armements entre les deux Corées. Séoul a décidé de développer rapidement ses propres systèmes d’armement. Une tendance qui inquiète les observateurs de la région. La Corée du Nord ne semble plus pouvoir s’en passer. Le missile balistique tiré mardi 19 octobre représente […]
You be the judge. 20 years ago, on 12th October 2001, the very first Ace Attorney game was released on Game Boy Advance. Although we wouldn’t get the game in English until 2005 — when it was re-released on the DS — the Ace Attorney series has long been beloved by people all over the […]