Moskau/Tel Aviv (dpa) – Der israelische Ministerpräsident Naftali Bennett ist überraschend zu einem Gespräch mit Russlands Präsident Wladimir Putin nach Russland gekommen. Er halte sich zu einem kurzen Arbeitsbesuch in Moskau auf, sagte Kremlsprecher Dmitri Peskow nach Angaben der Agentur Interfax.
Tan France with his Christmas tree that he has already put up. When it comes to Christmas festivities, there tend to be two distinct camps of people: Those who play Mariah Carey on repeat from September and those who don’t want to hear the “C-word” until Advent. This year, those in the former are wanting […]
It’ll take 2 Nanocarbon Alloys to print, though. Astroneer just came out on the Nintendo Switch, and now Nintendo Switch is coming out on the Astroneer. That is to say, there’s a new Nintendo Switch in an Astroneer design. Yeah. It’s not an official design from Nintendo, like the Diamond and Pearl one that came […]