Guayaquil (dpa) – Bei erneuten gewalttätigen Auseinandersetzungen in einem Gefängnis in Ecuador sind mindestens 68 Häftlinge ums Leben gekommen. Zudem seien in der Haftanstalt Guayas N1 in der Nähe der Hafenstadt Guayaquil mindestens 25 Insassen verletzt worden, schrieb die Staatsanwaltschaft des sĂĽ
Catherine McKenna, Canada’s infrastructure and communities minister, speaks during a news conference in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, on Thursday, Oct. 1, 2020. | David Kawai/Bloomberg via Getty Images Catherine McKenna spent the last six years working on climate change in Canada’s government. In late June, Canada’s minister of infrastructure and former minister of environment and climate […]
Another new hairstyle, and lots of action. It’s been over four years since it was announced and with no meaningful updates since, but Bayonetta 3 was given the big finale in today’s Nintendo Direct. In typical PlatinumGames style the trailer starts off vague and drops a tease related to Astral Chain, before everyone’s favourite Witch […]