As you’ve probably heard by now, Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp went down on Monday for what is, as of this writing, the company’s longest outage since 2008. The reason for the blackout is still unknown, but the longer it went on the more folks wondered if the sites were out temporarily… or gone entirely. As in, permanently […]
Slipknot singer Corey Taylor says he doesn’t trust anyone on his pummeling solo track “Culture Head,” which will appear on his upcoming debut solo album, CMFT. “I don’t trust anyone… who uses God as an excuse/ I don’t trust anyone… so f–k you, and anyone who looks like you/ I can’t shake, shake shake this […]
Patrick Wilson has started training for his return as Orm in Warner Bros. and DC’s Aquaman 2. Amber Heard recently took to her social media pages to tease her return as Mera in Aquaman 2 and now her co-star Patrick Wilson is following in her footsteps with a cheeky Instagram post of his own for […]