Games World

Panic’s Cool Little Handheld, Playdate, Gets New Details On Pre-Orders And More

More games, a neat accessory and a timeline for pre-orders.

Panic is a company that has earned a reputation for creativity and, it seems, knowing a big-selling Indie game when it sees one. It has published two games by third-parties to date – Firewatch and Untitled Goose Game; yep, those were two good picks.

Panic is also well known for the Playdate, an innovative little handheld revealed back in May 2019. As we live in an era when Nintendo no longer has a dedicated handheld department, it’s a little creation of such weirdness and charm that quite a few of the Nintendo Life team are smitten. It’s tiny, has a black and white screen and a crank; it will also distribute new games every week.

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