EM-Achtelfinale – und Sie sind noch nicht gut informiert? Kein Problem: England ist der minimalistischste Gruppensieger der EM-Geschichte. Serge Gnabry trifft nirgends so gern wie in London. Der Schnellcheck.
“We were workmates”. Before the existence of the PlayStation, Sony worked with Nintendo on a CD-ROM drive for the Super Famicom. Nintendo decided to pull the plug on the device, and so Sony entered the console business by itself – becoming a direct competitor and industry powerhouse. With this in mind, “The Father of PlayStation” […]
The term “effortlessly chic” gets thrown around a lot in fashion. In reality, these two words are rarely applicable. But when it comes to the white shirt? Absolutely. No matter what sort of budget you have or what kind of sense of style, the white shirt is the ultimate wardrobe staple. Is there anything so simple […]