Key Avengers characters are rumored to return in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness. Potential spoilers ahead for Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness. The upcoming Doctor Strange sequel is set to be one of the most star-studded films of the year, that is if we go off of rumors. The word on […]
Bildungsministerin Karin Prien und der Beauftragte für jüdisches Leben und gegen Antisemitismus, Peter Harry Carstensen, (beide CDU) haben aufgerufen, die Erinnerung an den Holocaust auch in der Corona-Pandemie wachzuhalten. “Wir sollten innehalten, uns die Zeit nehmen, um derer zu gedenken, die von
“A unique mix of roguelike and deck-builder”. Following its recent Early Access run on Steam, strategic deck-building game Rise of the Slime is slithering onto the Switch eShop this spring. The game has you helping poor old Slime to defy the odds in turn-based, positional combat. You’ll be doing a bit of deck-building here, a […]