7 Products That Always Make My Skin Glow In Summer
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Hang in there everyone—a new season is on the horizon. Yes, the official start of summer is mere weeks away and while I’m trying not to get my hopes up about the potential mini heatwave that’s set to hit the UK next week it’s impossible not to feel everyone’s optimism levels soaring after a challenging start to the year. Of course, summer still might look a little different this year but with restrictions starting to ease here in the UK even the prospect of a local mini break is enough to get my heart fluttering right now.
As a beauty editor, I’m a firm believer in it never being too soon to start thinking about how to tweak your beauty routine as the seasons shift—so I’ve already been prepping my bathroom cupboard and makeup bag for a bit of a summer overhaul. While a far-flung adventure might not be on the cards right now, I’ll still be shifting my makeup and skincare to account for the prospect of warmer British weather and more time spent exploring the great outdoors. And, luckily, one of my favourite ever beauty brands is on the same track.
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