Games World

Soapbox: I Miss My Friends, But I Don’t Want To Kill Them

Well, maybe a little bit.

I highly doubt any of the people reading this have the power to change anything in the games industry, but just in case: my thesis here is that the world is craving online co-op games, and it’s crazy that we don’t have more of them. Or, at least, more of them that don’t involve shooting my friends in the face, or hanging out with strangers.

Think about all the success stories of the past year. Among Us: a competitive online co-op game about betrayal, sabotage, and lying to your friends. Valheim: an online multiplayer game about building cool Viking houses with your Viking buddies, and fighting dragons together. Animal Crossing: New Horizons: a game about building extremely cute villages, and inviting friends to hang out in them.

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