Summer 2021 Is Bringing Retro Style Back With These 8 Trends
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When the ’70s episode of Disney+’s WandaVision first came to our television screens, I resonated heavily with the colourful ensembles and unique interiors. I must not have been the only one because the trends of 2021 seem to be giving the decade a second life on both the fashion and home décor scenes, and I’m not surprised.
In a time where we’ve all been stuck in our home for the most part in the past year, the world is ready to embrace youthful, energetic, and fun styles for the hopeful summer ahead. It was evident when designers released their S/S 21 collections in the autumn, and it’s clear as day now when you take a scroll through your favourite retailers. Amid the pages of your everyday basics, you’ll find a rainbow of colours and maximal prints that seem like they were delivered right out of a time capsule.
If you’re ready to embrace the nostalgia and give the fashion of the ’60s and ’70s another go, we’ve relayed the best trends of the season below. Get ready to get out of your fashion slump and embrace your clothes again.
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