I Swear By These 6 Products When I’m Feeling Stressed Out
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If you’d asked pre-2020 me if I was someone that was prone to stress I would have said no. That’s not to say that I never felt stressed—daily commutes, a busy work week and a jam-packed social calendar meant that there were definitely times when I felt frazzled—but prolonged periods of stress just weren’t something that I was used to dealing with. Then that all changed. Of course, we all know what happened: a global pandemic hit and totally turned all of our daily lives upside down. When the UK entered its first lockdown, I had an 11-week-old baby and my stress levels were through the roof. I felt constantly on high alert: I was jumpy, my heart would race at the slightest noise, and I was incredibly anxious. And, baby aside, I know I’m not alone in finding the last year incredibly stress-inducing. Despite all of the motivational Instagram posts encouraging us to see the positive side in slowing down and spending more time at home, it’s been a worrying time for many.
As we start to slowly ease out of lockdown restrictions in the UK, I have to say that being able to see friends and family again has been the best tonic for soothing stress. But on days where I can feel the cortisol rising, I’ve discovered a few products that genuinely help to calm my mind and ease anxiety. Enter: the This Works Stress Check collection.
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Eine 37-Jährige hat in Fürstenwalde (Oder-Spree) mit einer Schreckschusswaffe Pyrotechnik von ihrem Balkon gefeuert. Wie die Polizeidirektion Ost am Sonntag mitteilte, handelte die Frau aus “Frust über die Corona-Gesamtsituation”. Nachbarn hatten am Samstagabend in der Straße Paul-Frost-Ring die Pol