The Vintage Dress Brand That Is This Summer’s Must-Have Buy
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Once the dread of bridesmaids everywhere, the floral-clad, puff-sleeve silhouette of Laura Ashley‘s dresses has become synonymous with the chintzy romanticism of the ’80s. Set up by husband-and-wife team Bernard and Laura Ashley, the brand started out as a fabric company in 1953 and opened its first store in London in the late 1960s. As the inspiration for countless contemporary dress brands—Batsheva, O Pioneers and The Vampire’s Wife, to name a few—and with a collaboration with high-street brand Urban Outfitters under its belt, Laura Ashley and its iconic frocks remain as strong as ever 70 years later.
Der ukrainische Außenminister ruft die Uno an. Wirtschaftsminister Habeck sieht Europa vor düsteren Zeiten. Eine russische Invasion der Ukraine steht laut US-Außenministerium wohl unmittelbar bevor. Der Überblick.
Der nordrhein-westfälische Gesundheitsminister Karl-Josef Laumann (CDU) geht trotz der zurzeit gedrosselten Erstimpfungen weiter davon aus, dass bis zum Ende des Sommers allen Impfwilligen ein Impfangebot gemacht werden kann. Er sei fest davon überzeugt, dass dies bis Anfang September zu schaffen se
Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny takes his seat for a flight from Berlin to Moscow on January 17. He was detained after arrival. | Kirill Kudryavtsev/AFP/Getty Images Navalny knew there was a chance he would be arrested once back in Russia. Alexei Navalny, the leading critic of Russian President Vladimir Putin, was just arrested on […]