You know what they say — hell hath no fury like a mommy shamed!
Well, maybe they don’t say it exactly like that, but it’s still true. Moms have always had to put up with a lot in our culture, and with the rise of social media and sharing more of our family lives with the public, anybody can comment and weigh in on how someone is raising their kids. It seems like it’s almost become a sport for some people who love to gang up on those they think aren’t performing the role of “mom” perfectly.
Take it from the frequently-criticized Chrissy Teigen, who listed just a handful of complaints she gets for Today:
“Any time I post a picture of them holding ribs or eating sausage, I get a lot of criticism. Vegans and vegetarians are mad and feel that we [are] forcing meat upon them at a young age. They freak out… If they get a glimpse of the car seat there is a lot of buckle talk. Maybe for one half of a second, the strap slipped down. And TV is another big one. We have TV on a lot in my house. John [Legend] and I work on television; we love watching television.”
Yep… it’s pretty much relentless. Luckily, Chrissy and many of our other favorite celeb mommas have mastered the art of the clapback, and they’re ready to unleash it on mommy shamers at a moment’s notice.
Ch-ch-check out some of the fiercest clap backs (below):
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Khloé Kardashian
Khloé Kardashian is another frequent victim of the mommy-shaming brigade. Commenters have come for everything from breast feeding to parenting while having long nails (!!!) to leaving baby True at home for the night. Of the latter, the Good American founder tweeted:
“Mommy shamers r at a high right now. I’m sick, at a charity event & I’m getting slack 4being here bc I have a baby? Her dad is watching her while I’m trying 2bring awareness 2an amazing organization. But either way, what’s wrong w a new mom letting daddy take over 4a few hours?”
That wasn’t the only time she called out mommy shamers directly. In another instance, she tweeted:
“Completely over mommy/body shamers! Women who choose 2take their time after baby, I’m so proud of you! Women who choose to work out after baby, I’m so proud of you! We all must do what’s best for US! Please b kind 2urself! A happy mommy makes for a happy baby! Love your process”
Tell ’em, KoKo!
Kristen Bell
Kristen Bell is known for being totally open about her parenting style — which leaves her totally open to mommy-shamer attacks. And while we know the actress is capable of fierce and funny when she needs to be, she can also put a commenter in place gently and respectfully, too.
For example, The Good Place star fielded a lot of concerns when she revealed that her youngest was a little late to the potty training game. But she handled the barrage with grace, replying:
“I also dont think its humiliating if ur kid wears diapers late. Everyone is different. My 5yr old wouldn’t be embarrassed even if she was in diapers during the day! She’s confident & goofy & doesn’t see anything about her beautiful unique self something to apologize for. Xo.”
Sweet, simple, and totally gracious. Love it!
Ashley Graham
Count Ashley Graham among those unimpressed with the critics. On an episode of Red Table Talk, she said her modeling got people mixed up about her body’s functions. She noted:
“I think that people just had to switch their minds [to realize my breasts] are multi-purposeful.”
She dismissed the whole genre of commenter with the observation:
“Mom-shamers are just mean girls who grew up to be mothers.”
Kristin Cavallari
After spending a good portion of her life on reality TV, Kristin Cavallari must be used to having her good, bad, and ugly broadcast to the world. Perhaps that’s why the mommy-shamers don’t get to her — though they definitely try. She told Good Morning America:
“My oldest son is 8 1/2 and the second I became a mom people have always loved to criticize some of my decisions. It’s the one area of my life that I’m so confident in. I know what a good mom I am. I know that I’m doing the best for me and my family. It’s really just noise, to be honest. I don’t let any of that stuff really affect me.”
She also remarked on an NBC red carpet:
“Getting backlash about anything I’m doing when it comes to parenting, I really don’t give a s**t about because I’m so confident at what I’m doing as a mom that I don’t care.”
Hear that, mommy-shamers? You won’t win this round!
Hilary Duff
Mommy critics are annoying, but some celebs have a whole other level of crazy to deal with — the conspiracy theorists and QAnon cultists. Yep, sadly, there are those who believe certain celebs are part of a terrible sex trafficking ring involving their own children. It turns our stomach just to think about it.
When Hilary Duff caught wind of such a conspiracy about her own son during quarantine, based on a (totally censored) pic she shared of her kid in the nude. The Disney alum wasted no time denouncing the baseless theory, tweeting:
“Everyone bored af right now I know..but this is actually disgusting….. whoever dreamed this one up and put this garbage into the universe should take a break from their damn phone. Maybe get a hobby”
Phew — honestly probably more generous than these people deserve. But we’re glad she took the time to tell them off!
Meghan King
Meghan King got in hot water herself when followers took issue with the former Real Housewives star giving her daughter melatonin. The mother of three ended up giving a statement to People, saying:
“It was a melatonin gummy for kids, not a sleeping pill and certainly not for an adult. It is completely safe. … Aspen found the one little gummy in a little baggie while rummaging through my purse. She asked me if she could have it and since it was nap time I told her ‘Yes.’ In fact, the recommended dosage for this particular brand of melatonin for kids is 2 gummies and I let her have one.”
But the TV personality didn’t stop there. She followed it up with a sexy selfie in lingerie, captioning the Instagram post:
“BUT YOU’RE A MOTHER @averyroselingerie
PS To all the ‘Nancys in Nebraska’: as you become overly concerned with a stranger just remember ima still do me
Brb gotta go live my best life byeeeee”
Can’t argue with that!
Gabrielle Union
Gabrielle Union is another momma who exercised ultra-patience with her mommy-shamers. This time, they had a problem with the actress kissing her infant… seriously.
She replied to the haters:
“Hey guys I appreciate all the concern about kisses on the mouth and labored breathing, I am blessed enough to have a nurse here with us while at work. Kaav is healthy and I don’t even touch her without washing and sanitizing myself and everything and everyone that comes into contact with her. No visits with sick folk and even all of Oprah’s crew got whooping cough vaccinations and current on all vaccinations to be in our home.”
However, she also added:
“If you think I waited this long and went thru all this to put my baby in harm’s way… you got another thing coming”
A little sugar, a little spice. Mommy-shamers coming for Gabrielle better think twice!
Anyone who was a fan of Jersey Shore should know better than to tangle with Snooki, yet some commenters still took it upon themselves to criticize her daughter Giovanna Marie’s wedding getup. Of course, the reality star wasn’t having it:
“Mind your own business tho. I let my daughter pick her own outfits. I let her express herself. Are you a mother? Worry about your own damn kids, and let us live. She’s 4 god damn years old, f**k off.”
On another occasion, she took a follower to task for drinking a glass of wine while breastfeeding, writing:
“You’re not a mom. I allow myself to have a few glasses once a week to stay sane with 3 kids. I do what’s necessary to clean my milk for my baby. Let a mawma live and keep being 17.”
“Let a mawma live” should be the motto of this whole list!
Deena Cortese
Snooki’s Jersey Shore co-star Deena Cortese has also put up with mommy-shamers. Even worse, her shamers had the gall to comment on how her son walked, when CJ was born with Metatarsus Adductus. The reality star set the record straight on Instagram, writing:
“I’ve been getting a lot of messages about CJs feet, how he walks and other mothers ridiculing me for not putting shoes on him at 1 years old .. please before messaging me telling me what I should do or asking and making comments about why he’s not wearing shoes.. maybe ask if I’ve already looked into what you see could be wrong ..because more than likely I have ..anything you guys notice about my son .. I most likely noticed it before anyone else.. I just didn’t think it was necessary to let anyone know why his feet went the way they do .. or the reason he’s not wearing shoes .. I appreciate the concerning messages but maybe come in asking and not telling .. that doesn’t make a mother feel great ??
She continued:
“CJ has Metatarsus Adductus.. and will be getting night braces to get it corrected .. he’s had it since he was born but we noticed it at 10 months when he started walking .. the doctor says it’s common and we’ve been on top of it .. unfortunately his right foot has an extreme case and he literally can not get a shoe on .. that is why CJ isn’t in shoes and just socks and booties”
Hopefully, someone learned to think twice before commenting on another person’s kid after this.
Jessica Simpson
Jessica Simpson has had a few brushes with mommy-shame, like when people had a problem with her son jumping in a pool while he had a cast on. For some reason, the mommy-shamers always seem to forget that “kids will be kids,” so the singer game them a good reminder. She wrote:
“I posted Ace in the pool with a cast on because there is really no stopping a child, that’s him, he only has to have the cast on for three weeks, he was in the pool that day. I don’t even know if the cast molded on to him yet. Listen, it makes him happy and it’s kids being kids. He is in my husband’s hands. I know he’s okay … If people were in that situation, if they had a husband like mine, they would feel comfortable.”
Jessica isn’t alone in defending herself from the shamers, though. When people had a problem with the singer letting her daughter dye the ends of her hair, Pink came forward to support the choice. In fact, she shared a snap of her own daughter dying her hair blue in solidarity. She captioned the post:
“I heard people were bummed on Jessica Simpson for letting her seven year old get her hair colored. So we thought we’d share what we did yesterday.”
The So What singer has long expressed her disdain for the mommy-shaming brigade, and has poked fun at the inane comments on more than one occasion. She captioned one shot of her kids:
“Here’s a picture of my child running through water. It wasn’t even filtered. What a waste of water. And no helmet? I hope she had sunscreen. If she slips and falls she may be traumatized for life. And her mother wasn’t even there. I was….. gasp…. working!!!! In another country!”
Just to really drive the point home, she added a number of hashtags, including “#f**ktheparentingpolice.” And while at one point she’d decided to disable comments on her photos and even stop sharing pictures of her kids altogether, that’s luckily no longer the case — because we can’t let the parenting police win!
Maren Morris
Maren Morris is one of the newer mommas on the list, but when she started experiencing the dreaded shame game, she quickly instituted a zero-tolerance policy. She warned fans it would happen after getting hate for an adorable photo of herself and her son on a big ol’ floatie out on a lake, writing:
“Honestly, I get so many criticisms of my motherhood on anything I post of Hayes, so I may just discontinue posting photos of him. Sucks but it’s kind of where I’m at.”
She kept to her word soon enough, scrubbing her IG of pics of the newborn. But not before her husband Ryan Hurd got his own clap back in, commenting:
“I’d just like to say, my wife usually doesn’t need me to defend her, but she’s a great mom. My kid was not unsafe on a float in 1 feet of water being held by an adult with 5 people watching so she could get a picture. Hayes has 2 coast guard approved life jackets that he wears. Also, sometimes moms have a drink, and homegirl earned it. Later, nerds.”
Yep, that about covers all the bases! And we love to see a Dad take on the shamers for once!
Christina Haack
The mommy shamers may be even WORSE for a newly single mother, but after her divorce, Christina Haack had no time for it. When she was called an “absent mother,” she responded in part:
“When I get told ‘you must be an absent mother because you are not with your kids’ — smh wake up people. I hardly post anymore and I def do not want to post my kids every freaking day to make it a contest of who’s a better parent f that. This doesn’t mean I’m not with my kids — it means the opposite — I am with them — I’m present. So stop parent shaming people, stop choosing sides when there is no side to choose.”
Thoughts on all this shaming, Perezcious readers?! SOUND OFF in the comments with your thoughts!
[Image via WENN/Avalon]
The post The Fiercest Celebrity Mommy-Shamer Clapbacks! appeared first on Perez Hilton.