Not All Sunglasses Are Created Equal–Here Are the Best to Invest In
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It never fails to amaze us just how sunglasses completely overhaul your entire look; how something so small should make such an impact. But such is the power of a well-chosen pair of shades. Chances are you’ll already have a set that you heavily rely on (I myself have been wearing Ray-Ban Wayfarers since my teens), but there are countless sunglasses shapes and styles to consider if you’re looking for a swift and chic summer refresh.
Below you’ll find an edit of the best sunglasses for women that never go out of style, as well as some key pairs that tap into fashion’s current aesthetic. We’re talking everything from classic shapes such as ‘70s oversize and cat-eye to the divisive flat top and ultra-bright coloured frames. With pairs from Prada and Celine, Mango and Monki, you’re sure to find a new set of shades to suit you, no matter your taste, face shape, and budget. So keep scrolling to see and shop the best sunglasses for women right now.
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