I’ve Analysed Everything, and These 30 High-Street Buys Look the Most Expensive
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How do you find expensive-looking summer buys on the high street? After working in fashion for quite some time, it’s now pretty much instinct on what I think looks good and what I know could pass off as a designer piece. However, after selecting the following 30 affordable items, there are definitely a few boxes I need ticking to ensure that they look as expensive as possible. My number one rule is look at the material. A non man made fibre is ideal. Cotton, lyocell and linen are always materials I look to for that more luxe-looking sheen, especially for during the warmer months. The next tip is the silhouette of the piece. Does it fit with current trends that have come straight off the spring/summer 2021 catwalk? If so, I tend to think they look more designer. That said, classic items such as blazers and shirt dresses in muted tones will also give you a more riche look.
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