Plus fixes and more! The Nintendo Switch version of Tetris Effect: Connected received another update last week – bumping it up to Version 1.2.6. The official support page has now shared the full details – revealing optimisations to the overall visual quality and performance. Apart from this, there are also a number of fixes and […]
Würzburg (dpa) – Der bayerische Innenminister Joachim Herrmann sieht einen “eklatanten Verdacht” auf einen islamistischen Hintergrund bei der Messerattacke von Würzburg. “Es spricht sehr viel angesichts dessen, was wir aufgefunden haben, dafür, dass es sich um eine islamistisch motivierte Tat handel
TV’s (and now streaming’s) biggest night is here—the Emmys. While last year’s show was mostly virtual, this one is in person, but it’s not exactly like past shows. The guest list is smaller, with just nominees and a certain number of guests, and there’s a limited red carpet. Even though it’s a smaller red carpet, hey, at […]