These Products Are So Good They’ve Earned a Place In This Beauty Hall of Fame
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There’s no denying that beauty is an incredible fast-moving industry and with a buzzy new launch or celebrity-approved product seemingly going viral every day even I struggle to keep up with what’s trending right now. However, I make sure to regularly test and trial the newest cult beauty products because I always want to know if they’re genuinely worth they hype. The result? I have an overflowing makeup bag and struggle to close the doors of my bathroom cupboard on a regular basis. Yes, at this point, I’d hazard a guess that I’ve tested hundreds of apparent cult beauty products with mixed results: some are total flops which make a quick exit from my beauty stash while others take up permanent residence in my regular rotation.
However, when I’m shopping for cult beauty products there’s one destination that I swear by for delivering a efficacious edit of products that I know will actually be worth my money: Net-a-Porter. From cult brands like Tata Harper and Dr. Barbara Sturm to the beauty trends that we need to know about—I’m talking the latest power-packed active ingredients to glow-boosting complexion launches—it’s a destination for the very best in luxury beauty. So when I heard that they’d just launched the Net-a-Porter Beauty Hall of Fame, a curated collection of iconic products for your skin, body and hair, I knew that their would be some seriously good cult products in the mix.
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