“If you haven’t played the first and second games, I think you’ll be missing out”. PlatinumGames’ Hideki Kamiya has asked Switch owners to make sure they’ve played Bayonetta and Bayonetta 2 before embarking on the third game, which is due to hit the console later this year. Speaking to IGN Japan, Kamiya said that while […]
Bei Protesten gegen die Corona-Maßnahmen in Sachsen-Anhalt am Montagabend sind laut Innenministerium mehr Menschen als in der Vorwoche auf die Straße gegangen. Bei rund 48 Versammlungen gegen die Corona-Politik hätten sich etwa 18 200 Menschen landesweit beteiligt, teilte das Ministerium am Dienstag
Is there any item of clothing that’s been as mythologised as the perfect pair of jeans? There’s a notion that once we’ve discovered them, our lives will be complete and ready to take on the challenges that life throws at us. You will finally learn how to stack the dishwasher to maximum efficiency; your overflowing beauty […]