Okay, Wow, These Oscars Beauty Looks Are Absolutely Everything
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Places, everyone, it’s finally time for the big show! That’s right—the 2021 Academy Awards have arrived (albeit a little later than usual), and we couldn’t be more ready for the epic finale to this year’s awards season. For obvious reasons, red carpets have looked a bit different this year and have taken us on a more digital journey than ever before. But this hasn’t stopped our favourite celebs from serving up some seriously jaw-dropping beauty moments from the Emmy Awards, Grammy Awards, SAG Awards, and more. This evening’s Oscar Awards are sure to be even more exciting.
As we all know, big beauty moments at the Oscars are nothing new. But after a year spent wearing nothing but sweatpants and with less makeup and hairstyling than ever before, we’re confident our faves will bring it on the Oscars red carpet this year. Keep scrolling for the most showstopping beauty looks to inspire all your hair and makeup aspirations for when we can show our faces in public again.
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Swish and flick. Last month’s Nintendo Direct brought us plenty of exciting new games to look forward to, including none other than Super Monkey Ball Banana Mania. Launching this October, the game features more than 300 stages from GameCube’s Super Monkey Ball and Super Monkey Ball 2, as well as Super Monkey Ball Deluxe, a […]
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