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‘Avatar’ Director James Cameron Hopes Marvel Keeps Making Billions of Dollars

Avengers Endgame Avatar James Cameron Marvel

Avengers Endgame Avatar James Cameron MarvelAvatar director James Cameron says he wants Marvel to keep making billions of dollars at the box office.

With Avatar and Marvel’s Avengers: Endgame making billions at the box office, there’s always been a running joke among fans about the two films competing to be the highest grossing films ever made. Obviously the real winner here is Disney, since the company owns both properties… But in a recent interview about the state of theaters and how the pandemic has affected the industry, Avatar director James Cameron explained that he hopes Marvel keep making billions from its movies.

When speaking to IndieWire about the friendly rivalry between Avatar and the Marvel Cinematic Universe, James Cameron used the opportunity to explain that he hopes theaters can survive after the pandemic and audiences return to them instead of just solely watching films on streaming services. The director pointed out that “movie theaters are a sacred experience for all of us” and he’s not wrong.

“Everybody makes a big deal out of [the box office battle], but the truth is what we really need to focus on is getting back to theaters. Hopefully we can still have movies like that, ‘Endgame’ and ‘Avatar’ and the big Marvel movies and all that, movies that are able to make $1 billion or $2 billion.. Let’s pray that movie theaters are still there after this pandemic and after this shift towards streaming, not that I have anything against streaming, There’s great writing and great shows in [streaming], but let’s remember that movie theaters are a sacred experience for all of us. Let’s get back out there when it’s safe to do so.”

Are you excited to get back into theaters? What do you make of James Cameron’s words about Marvel movies? What do you want to see from the next Avatar film? Sound-off in the comments below.

Here is the official synopsis for the first Avatar film:

AVATAR takes us to a spectacular world beyond imagination, where a reluctant hero embarks on an epic adventure, ultimately fighting to save the alien world he has learned to call home. James Cameron, the Oscar-winning director of Titanic, first conceived the film 15 years ago, when the means to realize his vision did not exist yet. Now, after four years of production, AVATAR, a live action film with a new generation of special effects, delivers a fully immersive cinematic experience of a new kind, where the revolutionary technology invented to make the film disappears into the emotion of the characters and the sweep of the story.

Avatar 2 is currently scheduled to hit theaters on December 16, 2022. Stay tuned for all the latest news on James Cameron’s upcoming sequels, and be sure to subscribe to Heroic Hollywood’s YouTube channel for more content!

Source: IndieWire

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