This Nails Trend Is the Happiest Thing You’ll See This Season
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There’s something about wearing bright colours—be it by way of your clothing or your beauty routine—that just puts you in a good mood. And right now, we can’t think of a better time to lift our style with vivid hues and playful motifs.
Handily, you needn’t invest in a whole new wardrobe to give your mood a joyful boost—in fact, one of the easiest and most-effective ways of elevating your style and making you feel happy is with a fun manicure. And recently, we’ve noticed that everyone seems to be opting for rainbow nails.
Perhaps it’s the fact that many salons reopened last week but, over the last few days, we’ve lost count of how many rainbow-inspired nail looks we’ve seen. Some of the industry’s top nail technicians confirmed that many of their clients are already choosing bright and punchy nail art designs, so it makes sense that rainbow nails are very much in-demand.
From painting each nail a different shade to ornate designs, there’s a multitude of ways to wear rainbow nails. Scroll below to see a selection of our favourites.
This post was originally published at an earlier time and has since been updated.
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