The Contents of Stefflon Don’s Makeup Bag Cost £228—Here’s What’s Inside
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If you’ve ever wanted to know what’s really inside the makeup bags of the most stylish women in the industry, you’re in luck. We’ve created a new column—Inside My Makeup Bag—to uncover the beauty products our fashion friends genuinely keep in their daily rotation and how much their stashes actually cost. I’ll be delving inside their bags on your behalf and totting up every item in there, from the most expensive to the cheapest. Not only will you be left with an incredible shopping list, but you’ll also get a realistic price tag to boot. Is there someone whose makeup bag you’re dying to see? Slide into my Instagram DMs with your requests, and I’ll see what I can do. This month, we’re delving inside the everyday makeup bag of the brilliantly talented British rapper and singer-songwriter Stefflon Don.
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