There’s something for everyone in the spring shopping line-up this year—from elevated denim separates to gravity-defying platforms—but I have to say that after minimalism’s dominance over the last few years, it’s been refreshing to see an abundance of colour and prints take over both the designer runways and high-street rails for spring/summer 2022. Perhaps it’s […]
San Diego (dpa) – Mit steigenden Omikron-Infektionszahlen wächst auch die Sorge vieler stillender Mütter: Könnten sie im Falle einer Ansteckung das Coronavirus mit der Muttermilch an ihr Baby weitergeben? Eine US-amerikanische Studie scheint hier erneut Entwarnung zu geben: Es gebe keine Hinweise da
Digging in. Worms Rumble, a title that takes the classic Worms formula and turns it into real-time online multiplayer combat, has now arrived as expected on Nintendo Switch eShop. With cross-platform multiplayer also live along with the game dropping on Xbox (it was already on PlayStation and PC) there should be plenty of players around. […]