French Fashion: 10 Secrets to Dressing Like the World’s Chicest Women
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French fashion may be mysterious and masterful, but it’s not entirely unattainable. The women of this highly chic country are forever at the top of the tree when it comes to effortlessness—no other nation could possibly contend for the title. Speak to any stylish French woman though, and she’ll probably tell you that this level of effortless does, in fact, take some work. I recall Isabel Marant telling me that the concept is something of a very well-guarded myth. Constructed or not, there is just no denying that Parisian style in particular is coveted and emulated across the globe.
As well adopting their relaxed attitude to getting dressed, there are style cues you can take and tweak to incorporate into your own wardrobe and bring in un petit peu of that coveted je ne sais quoi.
It’s highly likely you know some major French fashion rules by heart already: For example, brushing your hair is a sacrilegious act, one should never scrimp on the day-to-day pillars of a closet and everything is best worn thrown together to encourage the perception that you’ve probably had a really wild time the night before.
French girls are having fun and living life to the fullest—or at least that’s what their outfits tell us—but there are other, more nuanced factors that play into a Gallic woman’s wardrobe as a whole. And that’s where we step in. So enrol in our French style school, where you’ll learn everything from the grade-one basics through seriously advanced stages of being super chic.
Our Gallic obsession knows no bounds, so we’ve already charted the best French fashion brands to have on your radar, documented their pharmacy buys and even snapped up a columnist in the form of a cool Brit girl who lives in Paris to tell you all about the differences between our two countries and their personal style preferences. But if you want a fast-track to getting that je ne sais quoi each morning, get scrolling to see and shop the takeaway French-fashion guidance we’ve noticed after years of studying.
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