“En application des dĂ©cisions des autoritĂ©s françaises”, la compagnie Air France a annoncĂ© mercredi la suspension de ses liaisons avec le Mali “avec effet immĂ©diat”, après que Paris a emboĂ®tĂ© le pas Ă la CĂ©dĂ©ao pour sanctionner la junte militaire au pouvoir.
Look away, kids. Nintendo’s colourful catalogue of cutesy characters is usually on the bright and cheery end of the scale, but there are a few oddities that you really wouldn’t want to meet down a dark alley. For many, The Legend of Zelda’s Skull Kid is probably right up there on that list, and this […]
Three DLC fighters join the roster. Update: Nintendo of America has confirmed this trio of amiibo will also be arriving in the US on the same date. At the end of Masahiro Sakurai’s Smash broadcast, fans got a first-look at the Banjo-Kazooie, Byleth (Fire Emblem: Three Houses) and Terry Board (Fatal Fury / King of […]