Für vier Wochen sollen sie abgeschirmt von der Außenwelt leben und arbeiten: Ein Energiekonzern in Österreich isoliert rund 50 Beschäftigte. So soll die Versorgung auch in der Omikron-Welle gesichert werden.
Already took great effort to get it running on X1 and PS4. Hazelight Studios founder, Josef Fares – who once famously got up on stage at The Game Awards and told The Oscars where to go, has recently been asked about the possibility of a Nintendo Switch version of his company’s upcoming co-op adventure It […]
Superman: The Movie director and well-known producer Richard Donner passed away at the age of 91 on Monday. The superhero genre is thriving, and it can be easy to forget what started it all. Richard Donner’s Superman: The Movie arrived in 1978 to much acclaim, and its success has influenced nearly every comic book movie […]