Hi everybody! I’m John Ribbins from Roll7. If you haven’t heard of us before, we are an award-winning UK based studio who made games like Laser League, Not a Hero, OlliOlli, and OlliOlli 2. I’m here to talk to you about our brand-new skateboarding, action-platforming game, the next sequel in the OlliOlli series, OlliOlli World.
OlliOlli World takes place in a vibrant, bizarre world in which you set out to on an epic road trip to seek out the Legendary Skate Gods and become a legendary skateboarder. Venture to several lush skating locations such as Sunshine Valley or Los Vulgas, along the way discover new places and paths to skate, build up your tricktionary, obtain new gear, and set new high scores as you compete against friends. Grab your board, and head out with the crew, the island of Radland awaits!

Recording every flip, grind, and grab is the first member of your crew, Suze. An awesome skater herself, she will also serve as a mentor and camera operator dropping a few pointers across the various levels. Suze is always there to encourage you to nail various tricks over sketchy spots or hit the hardest line.
The second member of your entourage is Gnarly Mike. Mike is all about doing the craziest and most dangerous tricks possible and as such provides a variety of challenges for you to up your game over the course of your journey.

You’ll also have the mystical and mysterious Chiffon providing not only guidance towards skate enlightenment, but also the magical ability to get you back on your feet unharmed when you slam into the pavement.
Wrapping up your crew is the loyal, yet a bit dorky, Dad. We’re not sure whose Dad he is, but he’s got that vibe, so it’s what everyone calls him. Dad’s determined that you’re the chosen one, the next skate hero, and he’s determined to teach you everything he can. It’s a solid crew to kick off your quest to meet the fabled Skate Gods and reaching the epic airs needed to find the mythical realm of Gnarvana.

Speaking of epic airs, let’s talk about tricks. OlliOlli World has a wild number of tricks for you to master as you carve your way over boardwalks, mountain trails, and industrial gantries of Radland! You can customize your character and unlock additional tricks and emotes over the course of the campaign, so you can pick moves that represent your own personal style.
And while there’s a ton of different grinds, flips, grabs, and other moves, there’s also traversal moves like wallrides, powerslides, and quarterpipes that can open new routes and paths through a location. In OlliOlli World, there’s usually more than one route through any level, so keep your eyes open as you cruise through each zone, and you might just find a new favorite spot to skate, NPC to talk to, or challenge to take on.

Fans familiar with the series will recognize that OlliOlli World is a true sequel to the previous titles in nailing that feeling of flowy, skateboard platforming combos. As a skater myself, there is nothing more satisfying than landing a bunch of tricks in a row and OlliOlli takes that to a crazy intense level.
OlliOlli World, while completely new, still has this essence of combo chaining at its core. On top of that there are a ton of in-game challenges which will push your skills beyond just combo-ing, getting you to skate and think about each level differently. Add to the mix that we have an in-game leaderboard that tracks your score versus your buddies, leagues, and rivals. There is plenty of opportunities to show off who is the best skater around.

We also wanted to push boundaries and we spent a lot of time and effort making sure OlliOlli World reflects the uniqueness of skate culture and the community that bonds around skateboarding. We hope fans enjoy our take on this skate-topia, get hyped when unlocking a new board with a crazy design, or just smile when finding that perfect fit tee that completes you.
We hope your journey through OlliOlli World feels like a good trip with great memories you make along the way. And granted this isn’t your average world, as you’ll meet giant, muscular talking birds, or a skater with ice cream for hair, but we still hope that this experience sticks with you and we can’t wait for you all to check it out when the game launches.

OlliOlli World is coming to Xbox Series X|S and Xbox One this Winter, so be sure to mark your calendars. We’ll have more to talk about from creating procedurally generated levels and sharing those with the zip code system, to the deep level of character customization, to showing off more wacky levels and weird characters, but for now we’ve run out of time. So, stay tuned! Check us out at OlliOlligame.com by subscribing on YouTube, following on Twitter, and by becoming a fan on Facebook.
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