I Polled 11 People for Their Favourite Eye Shadow Brands—These Are the Results
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When it comes to makeup products, I normally don’t give eye shadows that much thought. Sure, I use them, but I’m not too picky about which brands I use. My makeup priorities revolve around foundations, concealers, and mascaras. I can be pretty choosy when it comes to those types of products.
But of course, not all eye shadows are created equally. In addition to the shade choices, there are also other factors to think about, such as pigment, finish, and staying power. You want a formula that won’t crease or cake. And it also depends on the type of eye makeup look you’re going for. Some people might want something natural and subtle; others might want something highly saturated.
Whatever the case, I asked my colleagues and a few makeup artists to point me in the direction of their favourite eye shadow brands. I wanted to know what their tried-and-true favourites were for the next time I was in the market for a new shadow or palette. Below, you’ll find their effusive reviews.
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