Frequent franchise composer Michael Giacchino has seemingly confirmed his involvement with Tom Holland’s Spider-Man 3 as filming begins in Atlanta. Legendary film composers like Danny Elfman, James Horner, and Hans Zimmer have all gotten the chance to interpret Spider-Man musically for the big screen. Michael Giacchino is the latest film composer to join the likes […]
Acht Parteien haben in Israel die Bildung einer Koalition eingeläutet – ohne Benjamin Netanyahu. Gewinner ist Oppositionsführer Jair Lapid. Doch Ministerpräsident soll erst mal ein rechter Hardliner werden.
A “minor setback”. The intriguing nature sim Cloud Gardens from publisher Coatsink and developer noio has been delayed indefinitely, just prior to its planned release. The game, which sees you grow flora across a range of urban scenery, was due to arrive on Switch on May 12th (so, tomorrow), however publisher Coatsink cites a “minor […]