And it launches today! The Nintendo Switch has a fair few animated jigsaw puzzle games at this point (who can forget Animated Jigsaws: Japanese Women?), but this latest effort from Leonardo Zufi and QUByte Interactive is going for a slightly different approach. Called ASMR Journey – Animated Jigsaw Puzzle, this new game blends relaxing jigsaw […]
I, I will be king. No More Heroes is gross. It’s a sleazy, grimy, ugly game with an indefensible moral vacuum of a protagonist in leering otaku Travis Touchdown. And it’s absolutely brilliant. Essentially a hack n’ slash title with some open-world elements, No More Heroes rises above its often-pedestrian gameplay with an overflowing reservoir […]
Le constructeur automobile de luxe devrait bientĂ´t changer d’orientation. Lexus fait partie de ces marques Ă la fois gĂ©niales et mĂ©diocres. Le constructeur automobile n’a rien publiĂ© d’aussi impressionnant que l’emblĂ©matique LFA, mais en gardant le V8 en vie dans la IS 500 F Sport Performance, vous pouvez dire que c’est toujours une entreprise qui […]