This Basic Cos Top Will Make Any Outfit Look Expensive
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Working in fashion is like playing a constant game of Goldilocks. You’re always looking for ‘just the right’ piece. Of course, however you view a perfect item depends on your own personal tastes but sometimes there are pieces that are universal in their appeal. One such item is the vest top. This staple becomes part of our wardrobes from our teen years and then never leaves it. But like many before me, I’ve struggled to discover the ideal fit and shape. Last year I spotted Brittany Bathgate wearing a pretty perfect version of a white vest top by Theory. However, it was slightly out of my price range.
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Le président américain, Joe Biden, à la Maison Blanche, à Washington, le 12 juillet 2021. EVAN VUCCI / AP Le président américain Joe Biden a appelé, lundi 12 juillet, les responsables politiques haïtiens à « s’unir », alors que le pays est plongé dans l’instabilité depuis l’assassinat de son président. « Le peuple de Haïti mérite la paix […]
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