Albert Einstein is often credited with the saying, “the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results. ” The adage could also be applied to football fans and analysts that annually “go insane” about any positive thing that happens during a meaningless preseason game. Read more…
Update (5:48 p.m. Eastern): So, like, I saw this going differently in my head. Which is fine, it’s fine. Edelman announced on Twitter, roughly thirty minutes after I wrote this, that he is retiring from football. So we probably won’t be seeing him in Tampa next year, but hey. Gronk came back after a year […]
The National Basketball Association has had some great players step onto the court in its 75-year history. Some outstanding players have been left off the All-Star team each season in the NBA. Many of these names get snubbed year after year, and others made their titles off big moments but probably should have been… Read […]